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             Welcome to

   Mighty Moose's School of Play !


A Parent's Dream!  A unique private preschool specializing in mixed ages 1 thru 5 with a small group of 8 fulltime children in attendance.  Come be a Mighty Moose Buddy!



"Play gives children a chance to practice what they learn" - Mr. Rogers


Each Week We:

Enjoy Free Play several times a day  - Imagination at it's best!

Play outside EVERYDAY!

Explore art using crafts to decorate our school & take home - we like to get messy!

Practice being responsible for ourselves, our play area and cleaning up

Focus on social skills and individual growth

Build on our Friendships and abilities to respect and play together cooperatively

Develop skills for a successful transfer to Kindergarten

What's so Special About Mighty Moose's School?

Imagine a "Mini-Center" but without the "Center".  A licensed 2 bedroom home completely dedicated to operating as a Preschool.


Painted mural walls, high quality child sized furniture, extensive library, coloring station, large variety of preschool and toddler learning and imagination promoting materials.


A "Fish Room" with dedicated Block Learning, Lego station, dollhouse and so much more!


A "Play Room" with playhouse, dress up closet, play kitchen & food, multi ethnic dolls & furniture along with several skill building toddler toys. 


Arts & Crafts, musical instruments, puzzles, sensory table, playdough, paint - everything you can imagine!


Our large natural yard with grass and trees is fenced in, cement pathways, includes a sectioned off Sandbox area, slides, climber caterpillar, teeter totters, picnic tables and several ride on toys.


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